Support the Right of Students to Protest
  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Support the Right of Students to Protest

To: Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Jayapal, Sen. Murray

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

May 1

The right to protest and express dissent is a fundamental freedom in a democracy. Attempting to equate criticism of specific government policies with antisemitism through an overly broad definition would undermine free speech on college campuses. Rather than passing legislation that could chill open discourse, we should promote robust dialogue and understanding across different perspectives. Protesters should have the ability to voice their views on important issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without being accused of discrimination against an entire religion or ethnic group. I urge you to respect students' First Amendment rights and vote no on H.R. 6090, as it risks stifling legitimate political speech under the guise of combating antisemitism.

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