Antisemitism Awareness Act
  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Antisemitism Awareness Act

To: Sen. Tillis, Rep. Jackson, Sen. Budd

From: A verified voter in Charlotte, NC

May 2

If you are a staffer reading this, I am begging you to read to the end. The Antisemitism Awareness Act voted on today is the scariest piece of legislation I have ever seen. A COUNTRY is NOT a race, and it is NOT a religion. It cannot be unlawful to criticize a country. This is an unprecedented encroachment of the first amendment, and we are all too well aware that this is only the first step. This is fascism. It's already here. Staffer reading this, this is a cause so dire that it deserves the resignation of every congressional staffer. This is beyond the pale. This is too much. It cannot be illegal to criticize Israel, it cannot be illegal to criticize the United States, they are taking this too far. You have to act. We have to stop this.

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