An open letter to Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis, Rep. Gutierrez, Gov. Hobbs.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis, Rep. Gutierrez, Gov. Hobbs

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

May 4

SB1125 threatens online freedom and privacy rights through burdensome age verification requirements for online content deemed "harmful to minors." This measure grants internet service providers troubling authority over internet protocol address blacklists, enabling them to comply with user requests to censor specific addresses. The bill's severe penalties, including damages and attorney's fees, will undoubtedly create a chilling effect on online expression. Protecting children is vital, but SB1125 goes too far, jeopardizing online freedom with invasive measures and heavy-handed censorship. As it advances through the legislature, this alarming proposal necessitates urgent action to safeguard internet freedoms and privacy rights.

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