An open letter to Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis, Gov. Hobbs, Rep. Gutierrez.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sundareshan, Rep. Mathis, Gov. Hobbs, Rep. Gutierrez

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

May 4

This proposed legislation aims to prohibit the use of public monies for diversity, equity and inclusion training programs by public institutions, particularly in higher education. While promoting unity and equal opportunity is commendable, restricting efforts to foster inclusive environments and address systemic disparities raises concerns. Diversity strengthens institutions by bringing together varied perspectives and experiences, ultimately benefiting all students. Equity initiatives help identify and rectify embedded biases to ensure fair treatment and access. Inclusive spaces make all individuals feel welcomed, valued and able to fully participate. Curtailing such programs could undermine Arizona's ability to cultivate a skilled, competitive workforce reflective of our state's vibrant diversity. I urge you to carefully consider potential unintended consequences before moving forward with this proposal that could hinder progress toward a more equitable society. Alternative approaches allowing reasonable efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within appropriate parameters may better serve all Arizonans.

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